22. februar 2022

Bane status

Bane status 15th February

15th february  the crusty snow/slush has gone from the greens. Ice unfortunately still remains and the thickness varies from 3 cm to 6 or 7 cm, depending on where the greens are situated.
The ice formation has been on the greens for approximately 4 to 5 weeks. In general its still too early to think about trying to break up the ice but some greens ( Pg , 10,12 ) are melting fast.
The other  greens Currently have ice that is stuck to the surface and therefore are not ready to be lifted ( we will just damage the gras)  removing ice from greens is a waiting game and is all dependant on the weather.
Charcoal is being delivered this week and we plan to apply it to the greens before the winter holiday.
Minus degrees is forecast for the weekend and the early part of the winter holiday but after that it will turn warmer again.
These conditions will help the charcoal warm up and start to penetrate the ice and break it down.

Regular course checks are being carried out and we will inform everyone when/if we need help to manually remove what I hope to be the last patches of ice after the charcoal has done its job.

P.S: The picture is a couple of day old. Today it looks better. 🙂


MVH/Best Regards


Gavin Edward Matthews

Head Greenkeeper

Oppegård Golfklubb



Oppegård Golfklubb

Kongeveien 198
1415 Oppgård
Telefon: 66 81 59 90
E-post: post@opgk.no
Org.nr. 952710745
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