16. september 2024

Baneoppdatering 16.09.24

Hello Members,

Autumn has firmly settled in, and our preparations for the winter season are now underway. This week, we will be performing light aerification and applying the final top dressing to the greens. These actions will improve surface drainage and promote further root development, especially in areas impacted by the larvae infestation. I’m pleased with how well the greens have recovered from the seeding several weeks ago, and overall, the condition of most greens is strong as we near the end of the season.

With just a few weeks of prime growing weather left, we are also approaching the end of our regular cutting schedule for the greens. Soon, I’ll transition to the winter preparation plan to ensure the greens are well-prepared for the colder months.

Please remember to look out for regular daily updates on bane status in the coming weeks.

The course remains quite wet, and it’s unlikely to dry out much before the season concludes. Please continue to take extra care when walking, particularly with trolleys. If you notice wet areas around the green surrounds, kindly avoid them. Your cooperation in this regard is greatly appreciated!

On a very positive note, we’ve received encouraging news regarding holes 9 and 18. Soil samples have been taken from the waterways, and if results confirm the area is clean and safe to excavate, we will begin deepening the lakes. This will help lower the water table and allow us to address the drainage issues on these holes, significantly reducing the impact of heavy rainfall.

Here’s hoping for some fine autumn weather as we enjoy the last few weeks of the golf season.

Best regards
Your Greenkeeping Team



Oppegård Golfklubb

Kongeveien 198
1415 Oppgård
Telefon: 66 81 59 90
E-post: post@opgk.no
Org.nr. 952710745
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